
We welcome a broad spectrum of conceptual, methodological and empirical contributions from various (inter)disciplinary backgrounds relating to the conference theme and invite submissions on studies of different translation and interpreting (T&I) relevant settings. Suggested topics for presentations and posters include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • T&I environments and workplaces; translators’ and interpreters’ working conditions; physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics of T&I; actors and agents in T&I practice
  • setting-specific aspects of T&I processes; interaction in T&I processes; the role of technology in T&I processes, professional and non-professional translation
  • translators’ and interpreters’ (virtual) networks, communities (of practice) and collaborative environments; translation crowdsourcing; human-machine interfaces; cooperation and conflicts in T&I; translaboration; T&I and globalization
  • cognitive and sociological aspects of T&I; situated, embodied cognition and T&I; practice theory approaches to T&I; translators’ and interpreters’ agency; social embeddedness of T&I on different levels (process, project, society, etc.)
  • innovative theoretical frameworks; conceptual development; meta-reflexion
  • methodological approaches to and challenges of field research – from entering the field to reporting on the results; data acquisition, analysis and management methods and issues; research ethics
  • implications of field research for training; links between industry and academia


Conference language

The conference will be held in English.